GFI Mail Security For Exchange SMTP v10.1.20091201



The ever-increasing volume of viruses and other malware serves to highlight how important it is for companies to have adequate anti-virus and email exploit protection on their network. Such is the range of virus variants appearing daily, products that use a single anti-virus engine to scan inbound email do not provide sufficient protection at either server or desktop level. What you do need to protect the network from viruses is a product such as GFI MailSecurity that provides not one, but up to five anti-virus engines running on the email server. 

With multiple anti-virus engines you:
• Reduce the average time to obtain virus signatures which combat the latest threats
• Take advantage of all their strengths because no single AV scanner is the best
• Virtually eliminate the chances of an infection
• Get a product that is cheaper than any single AV engine solution.

• Support for the industry leading messaging platforms including Microsoft Exchange 2000, 2003, 2007 and Lotus Domino
• Multiple virus engines guarantee higher detection rate and faster response
• Unique Trojan & Executable Scanner detects malicious executables without need for virus updates – MyDoom was detected immediately! Tell me more.



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