AllWebMenus Pro - application for creating DHTML / javascript menu without the need for knowledge DHTML or javascript from you. AllWebMenus Pro creates cross-browser, popup or drop-down menus for easy navigation of the site that are compatible with all browsers that support the DHTML (Dynamic HTML), including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Konqueror and others. javascript menu can be designed in a simple, tree-prominent approach. Then you can configure them using the properties panel or by a simple select your preferred style from the gallery AllWebMenus Pro. The menu can be either horizontal or vertical, a few lines, with an unlimited level of sub-menus can move on the page, always visible even when scrolling pages that contain static or animated graphics, frames and more. After all adjustments and settings, you can compile the code and easily install it on your website.
"Import navigation structure of the project in FrontPage AllWebMenus Pro
"Creating site maps directly from the menu structure of your menu
"Quickly create a menu using the built-in styles from Gallery AllWebMenus Pro
"Using multiple menus on one page
"The use of multiple flexible ways to position your menu
"Creating a menu for use inside the frame website
"Creating an alternative version of the web page specifically for browsers that do not support DHTML
"Creation of both horizontal and vertical menus and sub-menu
"The use of different effects when you hover over menu
"Positioning the menu anywhere on the page and save the position even when scrolling
"The use of headings in the sub-menu and the possibility of letting users remove the menu from its title
"Configuration menu appears: how, where and when
And much more ...
OS: WinAll
Language: English
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